Our informal, weekly training sessions at RBI started yesterday. They are called Elevenses as they will be held at 11am every Thursday. Adam curated the first one on Twitter and it was a great success. More than 50 people sharing experiences, listening and learning.
Adam highlights the effectiveness of an informal, conversational setting to talk about a conversational medium. The medium was in some senses the message here.
Other factors that made the session a success were:
The topic - Twitter pulls a crowd
The format - 45 mins of discussion and sharing - various people from around the business contributed
The marketing - pushed on the intranet and to business managers by email
The look and feel - it did not feel like a corporate/formal training session.
The final point is important and does come back to the medium being the message. Lectures are no good when talking about technologies that are all about networks and conversations.
Outcome: some of my team attended the session and as a result I have drawn up a plan for getting some more profiles started. Success.