Three things caught my eye this week. First, the Times has launched its subscription site. Amazingly, the news pages look like print pages. I never did get digital editions of print as I always felt they represented print online rather than providing web friendly content. A web page that looks like a newspaper page is a step further step into the user experience abyss. What is Murdoch thinking of?
Funnily enough, Apple's i-pad dropped into UK stores this week. How ironic that Murdoch goes for anti-web web pages in the same week that the leaders of interface design drop their latest invention on the UK market.
As if this whirlwind of excitement wasn't enough, Bootsy Collins - bass player for James Brown (in the original JBs and Funkadelic - announces his very own elaerning academy named the Funk University. Brilliant.
I am smiling into the weekend and might listeb to some of Booty's finest moments :-)