Attended an all day brainstorming session yesterday which was very productive. Why?
Attendees knew what was expected of them before the event - we received topics we were due to brainstorm around, were given some related background reading and a timetable for the event
The plan for the day involved morning divergence (opening out the discussion to brainstorm new ideas) and afternoon convergence (organising the ideas and turning them into achievable actions)
First part of the day was spent capturing insights around the topic areas ie our thoughts on the topics
From this we then spent some time brainstorming around selected insights.
In the afternoon we reviewed the morning, set out all ideas on the table mapped them to domains - there were three that grew out of the ideas
We then mapped these clusters of ideas on to a time/competencies graph
We left with tasks that we had the competencies and time to complete and development strands that plotted development of more complex and time-consuming project.
Here is an example of the time/competencies graph (ignore boxes).
Final discussion points were around competencies in the organisation and what would be needed to deliver on the ideas.
Overall a highly focussed and creative meeting.
Some useful brainstorming resources:
Training World list of brainstorming resources
Teacher approaches to brainstorming from Lesson Planet
Great links on Wikipedia brainstorming page
PPT Google search on brainstorming