Really like this piece on how technology has changed news The reboot of journalism by Dave Winer - the father of blogging and RSS, according to the BBC.
Best of all I liked this quote that ends the piece. For journalists, it is this jumping out of your skin which is so important.
As with everything new, to see it you have to jump out of your skin and look at the situation from the new body, not the old one. Imagine what news would look like once the limits of the past are erased by the technology of the new. It's been knowable for many years, but some didn't want to look. But if you looked, as millions did, if you weren't one of the gatekeepers; rather you were one of the people they gates were meant to keep out -- there was no problem seeing how it would shape up. Now we're there, we're not at the beginning, we're already far along.
It's not too late to jump out.