UK budget speech in full but here are the skills/training related points.
Additional £1.7bn of funding for Job Centre Plus and the New Deal
From January 2010, everyone under the age of 25, who has been out of work for 12 months, will be offered a job or a place in training. Those in work will receive a wage. Those in training will receive additional money on top of their benefits.
Create or support as many as 250,000 jobs. This will include delivering local services, traineeships in social care, and other high demand sectors – as well as jobs for people of all ages in particularly badly hit communities.
£260m of new money, for training and subsidies to help them get the skills or experience needed in sectors with strong future demand.
We will also be providing extra investment, to ensure we deliver on our guarantee that every 16 and 17 year old who wants to stay in education or training can do so.
Extra £250m this year and £400m in 2010-11 to deliver on government guarantee that every 16 and 17 year old who wants to stay in education or training can do so
54,000 new places, in sixth forms and further education colleges, for students in the next academic year.